Rain is forecast - what to do on match day

29 Nov 2019 by Colin Newport

The latest forecasts for tomorrow are for rain possibly overnight and on Saturday morning. This raises the possibility of lost time.

The VSDCA requires clubs to cover the complete pitch square, and thus the effect of rain on the playing surface should be reduced. Nevertheless there will be grounds on which there is water seepage and/ or damage that makes for less than perfect playing conditions.

Regardless, it is our responsibility to the whole competition to ensure that, as far as possible, a match is played. Umpires Coach Brian Goodman encourages all umpires to try to achieve that result.

By way of support for your decision-making, the Laws establish that decisions as to the fitness of the ground and pitch are for the umpires alone (Law 2); and this principle is embedded in VSDCA Pennant Rule 11.

Both Law 2 and VSDCA Pennant Rule 11 define what is reasonable and unreasonable, and give umpires clear direction and authority to make proper decisions as to the fitness of conditions.

Bear in mind it is for you to decide as an umpiring team, and your decision is final, even though perhaps one side is less than keen to play.

Armed with this authority, umpires should still work with captains and players to ensure that, even where conditions are not ideal, a match is played, even with reduced overs.

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